Personal Knowledge Paternity

We can collect Samples at our Tampa office at no Additional Charge during Business Hours. OR you may order your kit.

Kits are sent by at no additional cost within the continental U.S. (outside of U.S. additional shipping will apply) and with no marking of company name. The return address will simply be labeled "DTS". IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to NY Health Dept. protocol, we are currently unable to ship Kits to New York State customers.

If you want the results only for peace of mind and you are certain that you'll never need the results for legal purposes, our Home Collection Test may be for you. You'll get the answers you need without having to leave your home. Order your kit on-line now, return the samples to DNA Testing Solutions, Inc., and results will be completed in just 2 - 3 days. If the DNA between the alleged father and child matches, the probability of paternity is typically 99.99%. If it doesn't match, the probability is 0%.
The Trio Paternity case involves three samples from the Mother, Child, and Alleged Father.

These results are NOT for court purposes and will have a disclaimer regarding the validity of the results due to the lack of "chain of custody"

All fees paid are non-refundable after kit has been sent.