Pricing and Testing Services

Normal Processing (Legally Binding Test)

Alleged Father, Mother, Child 2-3 business days = $299.00
Additional Person ( Father or Child)= $150.00

Motherless Case (Alleged Father & child) 2-3business days = $299.00
Additional Person ( Father or Child)= $150.00

Our Laboratory's technology offers clients faster turn-around-times than have ever before been possible. Their patented STR multiplex enables us to offer results in just 3 business days at no additional fee.

Siblingship Study

Two Siblings with or without mother = $375.00 (testing mother yields higher accuracy)

Have you ever wondered if someone is your sibling? We can provide DNA evidence that will help you. Because close relatives share many of the same genes, siblings are likely to have a closer genetic relationship than unrelated people. DTS's test will determine the likelihood that two individuals are full siblings. If you and your possible sibling have the same mother and test her too, the test is more accurate.

Results take approximately 3-5 Business Days (In Lab)

DNA Banking - 15 Years

Per individual sample = $180.00

Store your 
DNA now - it may help your family in the future. If your family carries a gene for a specific disease, your DNA could be instrumental in helping save a member of your family. Medical breakthroughs in genetics occur every day. With your DNA sample on file at DNA Testing Solutions, Inc., a member of your family could benefit with early diagnosis or disease prevention. Additionally, if you have a sizable estate, you'll want to prevent opportunists from attempting to make claims on your estate after your death. With a banked DNA sample at DTS, it can be proven that the claim is either valid or invalid.

IN-Home DNA Banking Kits (for personal or promotional) $8.00/kit + shipping

Next Day Priority (Legally Binding Test)

Alleged Father, Mother, Child = $355.00 Additional Person $175.00

Expedite the test analysis by selecting our Next Day Priority which we guarantee will be completed by the next business day following receipt of samples.

Y-Chromosome Analysis

2 Male Specimens = $375.00

This test is to determine if there is a relationship between 2 males with extremely high accuracy.